Did you ever think that there would be a time in your career where you had no clue on what to do next? Well many of our radio friends are facing this dilemma. I recently had a conversation with a Million Dollar radio personality from a major market who told me, they did not know what to do. He told me
"I have not received any calls". "Alot of people said that they could not afford me and they just don't know I am willing to do anything at this point". His love for the radio game is such that money does not matter, he just wants in.
All of you who are currently working a radio gig or TV or any other media, what is your next move? Do you know what a gig is? It's a short term job. Radio gig, tv gig, newspaper gig...it's all short term. Some last longer, 2 years 9 years,10 or 15, and maybe even 20 on one outlet in the same city, but nothing last forever no matter how good we currently have it. You and I must prepare for the future. When somebody decides they do not want to pay you anymore that poses a problem. We have relied on these salaries and when they are gone we are lost. Helpless Giants! There are several things we can do now to own our own media companies, and use the skills that you've acquired over your career to have your own stuff and not be controlled.
Arianna Huffington |
What's wrong with being the first to do something and not be afraid?
I feel so strongly that we are about to explode into a whole new reality! For the first time in the history of the world I can become known. The desire of every human being is to matter. Not be famous. Two separate things. If you have an inordinate self concept of yourself, my blog postings may not be for you. I have never been into that. I just like communicating with people in the way that I do. It makes me fulfilled as a human being. What we need now in Urban radio are people who are not afraid to journey out and create new media projects. When I read about Arianna Huffington and how she started
www.huffingtonpost.com in her home, it tells me that this is so real and it can be done. Remember she sold her site to AOL for $315 million in 2011. It is a beautifully designed news blog.
Watch profile on Arianna Huffington
Look everybody let's try something.
For my Millionaire DJ friend this is for you!
1. You have been working in that city of yours for over 10 years and everybody loves you in that town. I told another Millionaire DJ friend this too. If people knew that they could listen to you everyday not like they use to, but online, you don't think they would love it. These people that let you go at these jobs did not start your career! You decide how you want to end it, not them!
2. Find a sales person you use to be close with at the station and you two or three hatch a plan to use advertisers that can't afford to get on the air but they would spend money with you, because they know you.
If they were willing to spend money on the station but can't afford it, then why not with you. You are going to help market their business now on your blog or podcast show.
3. Who is the big social media king or queen in your city? Contact them and tell them that you want them on your team for a new project. They will help you spread the word that so and so is back on the air on www.forgotendj.com. He's still crazy yall!
4. Make appearances like you were still working in that city. You have equity in that city!
5. Make an announcement in the media that you now have your own show online in a TV interview.
6. Get someone to interview you about your career and what you are doing now and market it online.
7. Get a TV spot produced on cable, they are cheap.
8. Hire some young cats to help you virally push your show on the web. Make flyers to pass out and get a street team. Let the politicians in your city know what you are doing. Interview them.
9. Stop sulking because nobody is calling you for a job. Guess what, they are not calling anybody! It's not because you are not good anymore, it's because this is not our business anymore. This is not Black radio! Create your own brand of it. You know what to do?
10. Give yourself a year to develop this and you will see that it is worth it. You will become energized again my friend!
11. Become an intimate marketing machine for a business. You help them get customers, they will love you!
With your big personality people will come and see you there at an in store appearance. Become the champion for the small business community in your city.
12. Learn to do production yourself, but get people to help you too.
13. Get out of the old school way of thinking. This is life with a microphone not radio. Communicate who you are not phony baloney radio stuff.
14. Don't be lazy! You must work at it everyday. This is yours, respect it.
15. Finally, everything in life that is valuable, has a difficulty factor attached to it. After difficulty comes ease and you will be happy.
Finally, I have long admired your talent, and you are one of the greatest talents I have ever come across. Believe in yourself, because I believe in you! I pray these ideas will inspire you, myself and others to take charge of our careers!
Who will join us in being pioneers in urban radio's New Media space. Unless you are waiting for some body to start an internet company and hire you.? Are you?
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