I often ask myself. When are we as radio veterans going to begin to train the next generation of broadcasters. Will we die taking all this knowledge to our graves? I can think of countless veterans that have so much to give the world before we leave it. Who will be the next generation of Tom Joyner's and Skip Murphy's and Donnie Simpson's and Helen Little's and Doug Banks? Below are a few of the best minds in Black Radio. All of us including the top talent in is this article must duplicate themselves a couple of times over. If we don't train them then who will?
Skip Dillard..has had a great career programming some of the greatest radio stations in the country. He has been humble during his meteoric rise to become program director at the mother of black radio WBLS New York. He has
a remarkable story of courage and overcoming adversity. Staying the course and enduring till success is in sight. |
Tom Joyner the Fly Jock we need your brain.
Tom is the ultimate business man who is a
DJ, community organizer and lover of
black people. He has built an empire! |
Helen Little a North Carolina native made it to the Top in a male
dominated business. We need to hear her story. From an air talent
to program director in Philly and New York. |
Donnie Simpson the great! He has been mostly secluded in a sense from the industry and we need to know
his mental toughness to get what you want in negotiating deals. He is a great mentor! We need Donnie to help us be brave in going for what we want in life. I believe Donnie is ready to share that wisdom with us. |
Olivia Foxx...This woman has a backbone like no other. She is a multi talented broadcaster who is on her way to greatness. She can offer a wealth of knowledge to women. |
Skip Murphy is a brilliant UN- assuming talent that is a nice guy but fiercely competitive. He has been honing in on big opportunities like his now syndicated afternoon show with Jasmine Sanders. A top performer and iconic morning man with great stories to tell of the ups and downs of success and how to overcome obstacles. |
Just like we were 20 or 30 plus years ago, there are young men and women wanting the same dream. To be on the radio!
I am going to make it my business to interview the pioneers of our business and take in their knowledge so we can gather the nuggets of wisdom we need to become great.
Doug Banks has so much wisdom and if you have ever gotten a chance to speak with him one on one , he loves to take is time and explain situations that you should be aware of in this business. Doug is a comforter! |
Candy Eastmon has one of the best voices in our industry. She and Michel Wright from WHUR are two voices that have stayed in one city and made a great name for themselves. |
Mad Hatta...left NC A&T and within 2 years went to a major market and stayed there till this day. He has held mornings down in Houston TX for decades and is still young and ready to do more. |
John Mason..Mr. Detroit. Any man that can walk away from a 1 million dollar deal and not blink..we need to talk to him. For Decades he has held one city down and he is still the jewel of the motor city.
I have just named a few of the greats of urban radio and there are many more that I will highlight in Insideurbanmedia.com.
Why is it important to compile this information before we leave this earth.
1. Our future broadcasters need to know what real black radio is. It is not what we are currently hearing on the airwaves. We need to raise up responsible broadcasters.
2. Tell the truth about what real black radio is supposed to be used for.
3. Take some time out and do something unusual with your day and talk to the young people at your station. Invest your time in a young person who has that fire for the business.
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