This statement keeps coming up.......
What do we need a tower and transmitter for?
Well this is certainly not to say that terrestrial radio is done, however it does mean that there are a 100 new ways to communicate with your fan base and create a new one. Steve Jobs, may he rest in peace is the man that liberated the media with this new technology. A content delivery system with supreme quality in a smart phone. All we have in front of us is unlimited possibilities. What is the difference in having 200,000 to 400,000 thousand people consuming your media in your community that you created just like you did with your radio show? You did it for corporate media didn't you? (I will write on that soon)
Question....If you did it for a radio station, don't you know how to do it for yourself? Sure you do! Same principles but being delivered on several platforms and delivery systems. Everything we have mastered in terrestrial,you must now transfer it to digital! That's all!
You are a human being who uses a computer to communicate with people, on whatever digital device they may use.
Well BJ it takes too long and I need a pay check now! Yes we do!!!
Do you beleive you can do it? How long is it going to take? Oh I don't know. But I do know this.
It has got to get done!
It may take a minute but you have to do it, but only if you desire to keep doing what you love. I love radio. I am not going to let anyone stop me from using the gift that God gave to me. These companies did not start your career in radio and don't you punk out either if they say, well we don't need you any more, get the hell out of my station! Only you can decide when its really over. You feel me? I hope so! I want to hear you shine again, but in New World of Media which is coming in with or without us.
I had a radio consultant friend who said to me the other day "BJ believe it or not you are in front of the curve". I said really? I feel like I am 7 years behind because I was working at Clear Channel Chicago in 2006 when they told us that some of our bonus structure would be based off internet hits directed to our personality pages. Some of us did not know what was really going on or why we were mandated to do this. Hell at the time Elroy Smith changed the station to for a month or two, but I did not really see it. Now that our eyes have been opened let's run to it!
Here are some notes I took when I attended Jerry Del Colliano's very first New Media Seminar in Arizona in 2010....I did not alter any of the notes. Let's see if any of his predictions came to pass and are we doing any of these things to prepare for the future.......*At that time Donnie Simpson was making a transition out of WPGC 95.5 in Washington and we were talking weekly up until his exit. Me and his son attended this event together so may see his name referenced a few times in my notes.
1/28/2010 2010 Media Solutions Lab
We have to be more like Steve Jobs…Find new ways to do things
Upcoming Trends
Advertisers go straight to consumers. Go directly to consumers
Apple apps will drive commerce (DJ Idea Donnie Simpson App)
Go into publishing. Run it like a real radio station
2010 begins the decade of mobile media
If you want to fix radio right now, make it 10 times more local than it is right now.
End of traditional advertising is coming
This generation wants everything for free
Take your brand and make it better
*Live reads by somebody they trust (Donnie)
Fans will patronize your advertisers…. We have not looked at P1’s as humans. They are not Avatars or aliens these are fans.
A transition will be made from free to paid on the internet. We can’t have a free Internet. Change your view about social networking. Twitter, Facebook is an avenue to social networking.
Broadcasting is no longer needed
Sociology will become more important than technology
Attention span will be new litmus test for new generation
We want what we want when we want it
Social networking will move beyond Facebook and twitter
Radio was the original social network. It got people together
The new talk radio is texting
Content on demand
Get right into your content your content like Larry King does his interview
We are in the mobile content business (not radio). Do it yourself advertising
(Podcasting will be the new radio) You can’t do enough podcasting. You don’t need a tower and transmitter
You want to be in local media. Don’t compete with Pandora and Itunes
Radio has 5 to 10 years left as an audio–only medium
What do we need a tower and transmitter for?
Transition your brand. Radio has brands that matter. Brands that meant something to people.
The I-Pad is re-inventing radio.
Consumers expect to hear it, see it and read it. All three when they want it. There are a number of businesses that could be built.
Re-inventing radio
What the I Pad does?
Look at fans and not the numbers. Fans drive community support
The delivery systems have changed and we want to be there.
Study Apple
Whenever there is no funding start something
Build for next generation. Look at next generation.
People have embraced mobile technology. We all have shorter attention spans. Think differently/ Challenge traditional thinking. Know what customers want
Avoid over exposure. Understand technology and sociology
Don’t confuse ppm with fans
Cars are mobile centers
Podcasting is not radio…sync all the senses. Audio and Video. Audio and visual.
Build a radio station that would defy new media. What would it be like? When you have a meeting, have an action plan