Monday, June 24, 2024

"Editing and Rehearsing: Secrets to Radio Excellence"

Anybody, no matter their level of expertise, who thinks they have reached the top of their development in their craft is fooling themselves. There is always more to learn, more to do, and many more levels to attain to become a master. I believe in practice, practice, practice. How you practice is how you play. How you prepare is how you show up on your show everyday. Many radio personalities don't even consider practicing and rehearsing what they're going to say on air. Consider this article, "Has Radio Missed Its Cues from Television?". No television show goes on the air unprepared. There is plenty of editing and deleting. Why not adopt these practices in your on-air performance? You will see that your show will turn out great every day, when you edit out what you don't need. Raise the expectation level of your listeners. Give them quality conversation by presenting the best of your ideas, vetted and edited by you before they go on air. The More prepared you are, the more creative you will be.

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