Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Talent's Responsibility

Your responsibility is to ensure there is a show on the air the next day worth listening to. Your responsibility is to never take your audience for granted by arriving late, and preparing for your show at the last minute,hoping for the best, by doing breaks where you have no idea where it's going. A talent's responsibility is not to waste an opportunity to capture a listener's attention in an atmosphere where there are so many distractions that you could lose your listener in 30 seconds. A talent's responsibility is to make your show so interesting to listen to that if one of your listeners receives a phone call in the middle of one of your breaks and they let it go to voicemail because they want to hear what you have to say, then you have done your job. Your responsibility is to become just as important as a family member in your listeners' lives. How do you establish that kind of influence on strangers and make them part of your tribe every day? You've got to put the work in. You've got to put thought into everything that you put on the air, and I promise you will reap the rewards. There is a big difference between radio personalities who prepare and those who come in right before it's time to go on the air. Try getting to the studio 2 to 3 hours before your show and prepare for every stop set, and you will find that you will be the more spontaneous you have ever been in your life, because of the confidence and knowing you are prepared. If you are striving to be dominant in your market, stick with this blog because every day, I'm going to inspire you to be your best on the radio. Everybody needs a coach. Contact me, and let's talk.

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