Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Reading leads to Articulation: Build your Confidence in Communicating with Others
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
You got to know what you are good at
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
"The Real You on the Radio and on Your Podcast"
Thursday, November 14, 2024
If You Want To Be A World Class Radio Performer Read This!
Read This Classic Article from 1994 on Show Preparation
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Talking for a Living is a Complex Skill
Crossing The Bridge from Amateur to Professional
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Eliminate The Fake
Friday, July 26, 2024
Ambitious Goals Require More time
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Use the 3am Rule to Eliminate Constant Interruptions
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
"Why Finding Your True Fans Matters More in Podcasting Than High Downloads"
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Be Different From The Lazy Radio Personalities In America
Monday, June 24, 2024
"Editing and Rehearsing: Secrets to Radio Excellence"
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Break Free from the Newsroom: Create Unique Content with your own Thoughtfulness
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
The Urgency of Living: A Reminder of Our Remaining Decades on Earth
Monday, June 10, 2024
An Everlasting Radio Romance: How Radio Shaped My Life and Career
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Americans believe the current era (2020s) is the worst for radio Programming, So how can Black Radio DJs Regain That Old School Magic
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Sharing A Note to One of My Million Dollar DJ Friends from 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
"Do What You Do For Love Only"
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
You Must Get up! Your Journey is Not Over!
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Listen to latest Podcast on, Do Black Radio Audiences want to hear Coonin and Buffooning on the Radio
Monday, May 20, 2024
Do Black Radio Audiences Only Want Cooning and Buffooning on the Airwaves?
Thursday, May 16, 2024
"The Key To Connecting With Women On The Radio"
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
New Study Reveals 'What Women Want' On Radio
How to Keep The Listeners You Earn
Monday, May 13, 2024
Command Your Listeners Attention Over Their Smartphones:
Thursday, May 9, 2024
"Copy-Paste is Not Show Prep: Rewrite, Rethink & Make On Air Content Truly Yours"
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
"How to Come Up with 20 or More Original Pieces of Content for Your Show Every Day"
Thursday, May 2, 2024
How to Stop Sleepwalking Through Your Radio Career
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
News and Opinion Podcast on 8 Police officers shot in Charlotte
Monday, April 29, 2024
Radio Pros Must Thrive in The Podcasting Industry
Friday, April 26, 2024
Produce a News and Opinion Podcast for Your City
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Show Prep: The Power Of the Outcome Of Tomorrow
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
4 Things to Do As Soon As You Get Off The Air today
"Am I a Character or Am I Me?"
Monday, April 22, 2024
The Impact of Being Real On Air Creates Unexpected Relationships
Friday, April 19, 2024
"We Are In A Dog Fight For Our Careers."
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Have a Positive Mental Attitude Towards Creating Your Show Content
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
A Radio Host is Like an Artist
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Speak from Your Heart to Reach Your Listeners
Your unique point of view is different from anybody else on the planet. It makes you interesting to listen to. I talked to a young man the other day who is a Minister, and I told him that when I watched his video, it gave off a vibrant energy and spirit. The way he expressed himself, taking information that has been revealed, but putting his unique understanding and spin on it, gave the subject more depth. It was like he owned it. He even gave more avenues to explore from the subject that were mind-blowing. I said, "Wow, you have a unique way of expressing yourself that you own."
When he speaks, he is sure of the next word he’s going to say, and because he gets so much joy out of it, you enjoy it as well. It’s coming from the root of his belief of what he's sure about that lies in his heart. And that’s how we as radio personalities connect with people because when they hear us, it should be a meaningful experience between two people. A brother told me, "If you speak from your heart to my heart, you will connect with me every time."
I want you to begin to deep dive into what you’re about to say to others. Could it have more depth? Could I give more meaning to this subject than just reading something because everybody else is talking about the same thing that day? Most people are surface dwellers; they never go beyond the surface to find their unique perspective on subjects that the world is discussing. Just take your time with a blank piece of paper in front of you and write. Gather your facts and then be honest. Don't take into consideration of what you think some imaginary person out there wants to hear. Tell them what you want them to know. You may say something in a unique way that no one has thought about.
You turn on the TV, and it’s like everybody has the same script, the same talking points. Over the weekend, I kept hearing the phrase "Iran is not using proxies this time", so every television station was using the same verbiage. Regurgitating the same information like everybody else makes you the same. Let's get away from that.
The people that stand out in the media are the ones who are not afraid to share their unique perspective. Why don’t you be one of those people? You will find your listeners calling you saying, "You know what? I always love your unique perspective, and that’s why I listen to you and not the other show."
Everybody Needs a coach contact me and let's get you to the next level.
Monday, April 15, 2024
Audacy’s AI Voice Library is a Wake Up Call for Radio Personalities Everywhere
Today, I came across news that Audacy is assembling a library of AI voices to assist its 700+ stations. It's a strategic move, and honestly, it makes sense. Embracing AI can significantly slash costs, potentially saving millions of dollars, crucial for their survival. We've often criticized radio operators for prioritizing cost-cutting, sometimes labeling it as greed. But now, survival is the name of the game.
Here's my proposition: Grab your phone and explore every communication platform available to you. It's time to craft your own media empire. Over the next 2 to 3 years, commit to building your own audience. Every day, individuals are doing this. If you wish to continue your artistry as a radio personality, you must embrace this change and create your own digital planet and invite listeners to come and visit your world of audio video and the written word that you are creating. And mark my words, the longer you delay in cultivating your online audience, the tougher it'll get. The world is at your fingertips. Don’t wait for anybody to put you on. Put yourself on!
What I advocate is a continual journey of mastering the art of reaching in to the hearts of listeners and making real connections. We must continuously refine our ability to engage, and the only path I know is simply being the best version of oneself. It's taken me years to truly understand and embody this, and as I step into my 59th year of life, I'm excited for the possibilities ahead.
I'll be sharing my journey with you of how I have silently been amassing a listenership of 1.1 million individuals over the past two years. Through my own streaming syndication network, I reach listeners nationwide and receive calls from every corner of the country. The next phase entails growing my monetization and reach. I had to believe in myself and build an audience first though. Forge your own path and continue doing what you love. Reach out to me for more insight. I am an advocate for radio personalities, podcasters and communicators.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
The Differentiating Factor: Attention to Detail Separates Mediocrity From Greatness on Air
At the end of the day, everything in life boils down to how prepared you are to face the day's tasks. If you know you have to prepare for your radio show, always be in the mindset that when you get off at 10 o’clock after doing your morning show, you have the whole day to figure out what you're going to bring to the people on tomorrow's show. How could it be that from 10 AM until 6 AM the following day, you're not prepared to present your best offering to your audience? It's a lack of will and operating as an amatuer. Scratch that; that’s not good. Getting to the radio station at 5 AM and having an hour to prepare before you go on the air at 6 o’clock is the norm. That's not impressive.
What about taking a break, regrouping yourself, after your show and go into an office, or go to the library, and carve out a couple of hours in the afternoon to meticulously prepare for each hour on the show? Then when you wake up in the morning, whatever broke overnight, you can add that to the show. But your show should never be based on you getting to the radio station at 5 AM, copying and pasting, looking at show prep websites, making copies and giving it to the team and saying here's today's show prep. If that’s what you believe will make you a high-income earner on the radio, you are really fooling yourself.
Show prep is the key to standing out in a sea of mediocrity. Preparation is the key to standing out as an executive in anticipation of what may show up out of the blue. Because you’re so prepared, you're never rattled or caught off guard during the four hours that you’re on the air. You should take pride in that every day. I think you should spend no less than five hours a day preparing for the next day's show. It will make a big difference in your performance because the more prepared you are, the more spontaneous and creative you can be.
At one point, I was getting to the station at 3 AM every morning, and I said I want to be the first morning man in the country at work. My attitude towards my show helped me in my career. One of my students right now is doing mornings, and she is absolutely killing the competition within a year of her being at new radio station. She also has taken it upon herself to get to her job at 3 AM every morning, She has surpassed the heritage radio station's morning show numbers, and is on her way to domination because of her attitude towards preparing for her show. This is what I teach, and this is what I know. Everybody needs a coach. Contact me if you want to be the best in your city; you've got to make some sacrifices.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
86% of Listeners Prefer Genuine Personalities Over Polished Ones
The 2024 CRS Research Presentation by Smith Geiger stated that 86% of listeners prefer genuine personalities over polished ones.
"So, what does that mean? I believe it means that people would rather hear a person from off the street who has the audacity to say what he really feels about a situation than a personality who tries to sound fancy, use big words, and beat around the bush to get to the point, wasting their time. Now, there’s nothing wrong with having a nice polished sound on the air, but why can’t you just talk like a regular person? Some people have to go through years of dismantling that mindset of thinking that they have to turn into this character with a certain type of sounding voice in order for people to like them and to think that they're a professional disc jockey.
But the more you let that go and concentrate on saying things in the manner that you always speak, like when you are with your best friends from high school and you guys get together once a year and you make them laugh uncontrollably because you can be yourself with them… That’s the person that we want to hear on the radio; that’s the real you. I’m telling you, it takes a long time to program yourself, and that’s why today, the people that you hear on the radio have not been radio-ized, and people gravitate to them, sometimes more than people who have been doing radio for decades. You gotta get out of this jockey mode and just be a human.
Most people are afraid to let themselves be real… But I think we need to really study what is real and not just say it but really help people to understand what that is. They say just be real. Or just be authentic. There has to be some psychological work done on yourself first to really know who you are and what you stand for in life. So, this takes some time of feeling comfortable with who you are. Because some people really don’t even know themselves.
If you never give your true insight on things because you’re afraid of how somebody’s gonna judge what you say, then that’s not being real. When you feel like you have to say this in order to be pleasing to somebody and some of us are debilitated by the judgment of others, then you are not in tune with what it means to be yourself. And trust me, when you decide to be yourself and not be the same person that agrees with what everybody says as a yes man or yes woman, some people actually are not going to like you. So, I think that’s one of the things that you have to get comfortable with. You gotta be comfortable with people not liking you because of who you are and that’s fine.
So, it would be a shame to be a masquerade of yourself all your life because you’re afraid of people’s opinions about you. So, if you think about all the people that you like on the radio that have separated themselves from the mundane mediocrity that comes across the airways, you have to say that they reached the point in their career where they just let it go; they said, 'I’m just gonna be myself and whatever happens happens,' and then they found the door to their success.
Again, I must preface, I’m not talking about being vulgar. I’m not talking about being a shock jock, somebody who’s talking about highly sexualized content or somebody that makes disparaging comments about other people as their shtick. I’m not talking about that type of person. Most of the time, that’s a character that people think will get them the notoriety that they’re looking for, but it’s not. So, maybe we need to do some self-examination and spend a lot of time with ourselves and getting to know us so we can represent ourselves to the world. That’s what I think we should work on. You’ve got to trust the process. It may take years for you to really find your true voice of who you really are. I had to do that."
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Marginal Improvements Lead To Great On-Air Performance
If you're new to radio and aspire to excellence, find someone to emulate. I never settled for mediocrity and took immense pride in presenting myself as a professional. A crucial lesson from my teacher, Donald Baker at Shaw University, was about being detailed—whether in radio, podcasts, or television, excellence lies in the details. Don't take the moment for granted; it's the difference between mediocrity and greatness on air. Making marginal improvements daily, refining delivery, seeking feedback, and constantly striving to better yourself is the key to success in any career, especially in performance-oriented fields. What does marginal mean incremental change. Incremental change requires just a modest adjustment. Something small that you can work on everyday. (Read The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy)
It wasn't always easy to hear criticism, but having a coach who cares enough to be honest is invaluable. Too many people are steeped in mediocrity due to their ego. They don't want feedback from anybody so they sound the same for decades. We're fostering a culture where mediocrity is accepted as good, but true excellence is recognizable to the discerning ear. In conclusion, the small decisions we make daily to improve will have a significant impact on our progress and audience perception. When another human being decides to spend time with you to tune in to your show, you should be honored to give them your best. Marginal improvements are the cornerstone of exceptional on-air performance.
Monday, April 8, 2024
Personal Growth From a Brutal Career Setback: A Story You Don't Know About Me
As a 15-year-old boy in Goldsboro, North Carolina, the radio bug bit me hard in 1980. I had a clear vision of emulating my heroes like Tom Joyner, Doug Banks, and Donnie Simpson (I'll talk about my relationship with these men later articles). Despite doubts from others, I pursued radio passionately, working at three stations simultaneously during college. Some family doubted the viability of a radio career, but I remained steadfast in my dreams.
Reading leads to Articulation: Build your Confidence in Communicating with Others
I want you to consider what is called deep practice. In deep practice, you push your skill level to another dimension. One of my articles ea...

Here are some of my thoughts on the new study that just came out about "What Women Want On Radio and What To Do About It." If you...
What is the most difficult thing about speaking? It’s the ability to recall meaningful words in a timely and confident manner—to select wo...
You can’t control time; you can only control how you use it. When you don’t use it wisely, you are intentionally interfering with your own ...