Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sharing Experiences with Podcasts: A Call for Contributions and Insights from you to your Industry

When will you ever share what you know about the industry that you have chosen as a profession? Your podcast could be, "What I Know About What I've Done for the Last 40 Years." It's just that simple. You would have the corner on that market. How much wisdom are you withholding from us because you are thinking, "Well, nobody wants to hear what I have to say." Wrong! I told you in a previous writing that you are matchless and unduplicatable in your experiences that are unique to you. If you are willing to share from the heart what you know, and I mean the stuff that you know without a shadow of a doubt to be true from your experiences, I'm telling you that there are people who need to hear what you have to say. We want to hear podcasts that inspire us to be ourselves as we all are trying to make it known that we were here on this planet, no matter how long we live. Your gift that was given to you is a gift for the world. Don't hide it under a bushel basket. Let's formulate your messaging brand. Everybody needs a coach. I am him. Contact me and let's get you going.

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News and Opinion Podcast on 8 Police officers shot in Charlotte

Here is an example of creating your own media for a news and opinion podcast. yesterday 8 law enforcement officers were shot in Charlotte NC...